Colour is an important aspect of any planting scheme, when planning your garden plant foliage and flower colour will often be determined by the style of your garden.
Styles like the cottage garden will imply a multi-coloured scheme but what may seem like haphazard prettiness will more than likely be carefully orchestrated chaos.
Someone has put a lot of energy into the mix and match of colourful flowers.
A contemporary colour scheme can include a mono-chromatic colour scheme, this means that one colour has been chosen but the flowers and foliage are all different hues of this one colour.
When planning a colour scheme it is a good idea to consult a colour wheel
to find colours that will compliment each other. This chart from an Australian website gives a detailed image of how the colour wheel can be used to choose colours.
Colour schemes that are predominantly blue or silver can feel cold so the addition of a warm colour such as red, orange or yellow(gold)in small amounts can help to take that edge off or perhaps that’s the scheme you want to achieve.
Don’t forget that its not just the colour of the plants that will affect the look of your garden, Any features, furniture or boundaries can also be colour matched to suit your scheme. A bright painted boundary such as a wall or fence can help to enhance your planting colour scheme by either complimenting it or as a contrast.
The important thing is to have fun but don’t forget if any of your friends or family are colour blind their view of your garden will be completely different.
Great post! Thanks.